内容参考自Marc Barthelemy《The Structures and Dynamics of Cities —— Urban Data Analysis and Theoretical Modeling》,本书结合了统计物理学和城市经济学的理论,提供了对城市和城市系统的跨学科和现代的研究视角,经典的实证和理论模型在本书中得到评述。
The goal of a science of cities will be reached when, considering a specific case, we can basically say what will happen and which ingredients it is necessary to introduce in a model in order to get more detailed information and predictions.
Here, understanding means that we can construct a consistent story, based on a few ingredients, that explains a selection of facts observed in reality.
Indeed, we would like to assess quantitatively the impact of various factors, which means that we want to write mathematical relations between different quantities.
The main point here is to identify the most important parameters, not only to understand the past, but also to be able to construct a model that indicates with reasonable confidence the future evolution of a city and allows the impact of various policies to be tested.
cities exist in order to connect people.
一些核心要素:个体交互(individual interact)、交通、政策等等
如何定义一个城市仍是问题:根据行政区定义虽然直接但已经outdated,无法捕捉城市蔓延现象,于是基于城市中心和连接中心的通勤率(commuter fraction)等参数对城市进行定义,或使用连片建成区这样的non-ambiguous对象进行定义(如使用City Clustering Algorithm进行自下而上的城市识别。)
This almost continuous spectrum makes it difficult to consider cities as being in equilibrium but also to view these processes as decoupled from each other. This is a very important problem in city modeling and necessitates a careful discussion of spatial and temporal scales, acknowledging the possibility that various processes are interfering with each other.
We see from this discussion that important information about the structure of cities and mobility patterns can be encoded in the nontrivial values of exponents characterizing the evolution of macroscopic quantities such as area, total commuting distance, and so on. In this respect, this kind of macroscopic measure can then serve as a guide for finding the correct theoretical model.
statistical physics: 可以追溯到19实际的热力学(thermodynamics)研究,建立起了微观描述和宏观观察之间的联系。
相转换——一种涌现行为(emergent behavior):is not easily predictable from the properties of elementary constituents. 涌现行为由个体交互产生,即使这种交互是简单的。 In addition, the emergent behavior depends not on all the details describing the system, but rather on a small number of parameters that are actually relevant at large scales.
A city is an emergent phenomenon resulting from agents interacting with each other. 研究城市问题转变为研究可以解释城市中涌现行为的个体交互和微观动机的组分的识别问题。
本书的视角是以generic aspect来研究城市的,不局限于各个城市的历史以及区位,试图发现城市的普遍规律。 Devoting to a specific area is however, less relevant to the task of finding dominant mechanisms and parameters that govern city evolution. At the root of this is the brief that all cities are various expressions of the same object.
不同的问题需要在对应的尺度下进行求解:研究水流不应该从分子尺度下进行,而应该从宏观上使用Navier-Strokes方程求解。Each problem has its own scale and a set of principles. And its level might require a whole new conceptual structure.
物理学对系统认知的准则:Physics is not a catalogue of disparate models, but rather a small set of mechanisms which once applied to a particular system, have great predictive power. Very roughly in physics. When we say that we understand the system, it usually means that:
In particular, from 1, we can predict the response of the system when we apply a perturbation to try to modify it. In the case of cities, we could thus offer some general large scale insights when facing different planning alternatives. Understanding the main forces and being able to predict the effect of various changes in an urban system would thus be an important goal for a science of cities.
The idea that only a few parameters are actually relevant for describing the macroscopic behavior is probably the one that will prove most useful across other disciplines.
在物理学中,通常认为有着较小参数量且较大预测结果数的模型是一个好的模型。近些年来城市数据的可获取性的急剧提高为在城市研究中建立这样一个minimal model提供了可能性,但前提是能够对城市演进的多层机理有清晰的认知。
物理学家通常先以最少量的参数提出模型,然后通过实证观察来校核模型,通过添加参数或提出新的机理来修正模型,但这种方式在LUTI类模型中是不适用的。原因是这类模型中的参数量过于巨大,以至于难以评估各个参数之间的相关性,有如此多参数的模型基本可以视作黑箱(black box)模型,以至于其对现实现象的不错效果与其说是解释,不如说是过拟合。
此外,物理学家构建模型不依恋于(never clung to)预先存在的工具,而是通过现象来调整数学工具。但在城市经济学中,源自优化理论和近些年来交通优化理论的数学工具可能反而成为他们对现实描述的适应的障碍。如McCall的job search理论就是一个例子。
组分的相关性在城市经济学研究中常常被忽视,虽然在计量社会学中这种考虑早已存在(Schelling, 1971),但是大多数城市经济学理论只考虑一种典型的agent,即无需考虑其他agent的行为,只考虑自身效用的最大化。
A crucial assumption in urban economics is that of equilibrium, which is somehow surprising.
城市经济学中另一个重要的问题是效用函数的选择问题。这里首先介绍一个不依赖效用函数的good case,再介绍一个依赖效用函数的special case.
A good case: the bid-rent gradient.
\[Y=z+C_R(x)+T(x)\]其中$Y$是收入,$C_R(x)$和$T(x)$是区位的租金成本和交通成本,$z$代表其他成本(composite commodities)。假设单位面积的租金$R(x)$依赖区位$x$,$C_R(x)=R(x)s(x)$。假设交通成本只与距区位中心的距离有关,$T(x)=V\mid x\mid/v$,其中$V$为单位时间成本,$v$为交通模式的平均速度。城市经济学中,标准假设是优化效用最大化,效用函数只与$s$和$z$有关:
\[\max_{z,s}(U(z,s)-\lambda(Y-z-C_R-T))\]也可以将约束引入效用函数中,即最大化$U(Y-R(x)s-T(x),s)$即可,令$\frac{d U}{d s}=0$,得到:
\[\partial_1 U(-R(x))+\partial_2 U=0\] \[R(x)=\frac{\partial_2 U}{\partial_1 U}\]$\frac{d U}{d x}=0$,得到:
\[\partial_1U(-s\frac{dR}{dx}-R\frac{ds}{dx}-\frac{V}{v})+\partial_2U\frac{\partial s}{\partial x}=0\\ -s\frac{dR}{dx}-\frac{V}{v}=0\\ \frac{d R}{d x}=-\frac{V}{vs(x)}\]上述得到的$\frac{d R}{d x}=-\frac{V}{vs(x)}$在任意效用函数下都适用,表明单位租金和区位的关系是减函数,人需要在交通成本和租金之间做权衡。
problem arise: solving the problem.
\[U(z,s)=\alpha\log z+\beta\log s\\ \alpha + \beta = 1\\ Y=e^{\frac{u}{\alpha}}s^{-\frac{\beta}{\alpha}}+sR(x)+T(x)\\ ...\]This is obviously a crucial question since the utility formalization is a pillar of urban economics, but unless we can bring empirical evidence to support it, it’s scientific validity can be challenged.
The crucial game changer in research on cities is data.
This example clearly illustrates the dangers of interpreting data without a theoretical guide and in the absence of the feedback loop between theory and data.
对此,作者呼吁:The outsider should definitely know the subject and the literature of the domain, but experts in that domain should not reject the outsider too hastily, and should consider the results on a purely scientific basis.
The locations of homes, activities, and businesses shape a city, and identifying the mechanisms that govern these spatial distributions is crucial for our understanding of these systems.
如机场、邮局、医院等公用设施依据局部的人口密度在空间上进行分布从而优化其效率。这些设施组成了城市结构的重要部分且帮助塑造人口的空间分布。区域$D$内,以$\rho (x)$表示位置$x$处的人口密度,N个公用设施的位置为${x_1,x_2,…x_N}$,则以如下自然的考虑作为优化目标(人口到各个公用设施的最小距离之和最小):
\[F(x_1,x_2,...,x_N)=\int{\rho(x)\min\mid x-x_i\mid }dx\]考虑使用各个设施点的Voronoi图替代上式中的最小距离,对于$x$处,其所在的设施点Voronoi cell面积如果为$a(x)$,则其到各设施点的最小距离为到所在Voronoi cell源点的距离与$g$(例如$\sqrt{a(x)}$)成正比,where g is a geometrical factor of order 1 that depends on the shape of the Voronoi cell.【geometrical factor of order 1的意思是,使用该因子进行度量,其变化与单元的线性尺寸(如边长或距离)成正比】
\[F(a(x))\sim \int \rho(x)\sqrt{a(x)}d^2 x\\ s.t. \int_D \frac{1}{a(x)}d^2 x = N\]约束条件是有$N$个设施点。
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial{a(x)}}[\int \rho(x)\sqrt{a(x)}d^2 x+\lambda(\int_D \frac{1}{a(x)}d^2 x - N)]=0\]得到:
\[\frac{\rho(x)}{\sqrt{a(x)}}=\frac{2\lambda}{a(x)^2}\\ a(x)\sim(\frac{\lambda})^{\frac{2}{3}}\]得到设施的密度:
\[\rho_f(x)=\frac{1}{a(x)}=\frac{N}{\int \rho(x)^{\frac{2}{3}}}\rho(x)^{\frac{2}{3}}\]得到Voronoi cell面积、平均半径、其中人口数的关系:
\[a(x)\sim \rho(x)^{-\frac{2}{3}}\\ r(x)\sim \rho(x)^{-\frac{1}{3}}\\ n(x)\sim \rho(x)a(x) \sim \rho(x)^{\frac{1}{3}}\]可以根据上述理论对公用设施的空间分布的合理程度进行简单评估。
令$a_{AB}=\log M_{AB}$,使用$i$表示商店的可能区位,$\sigma_i$表示商店类别,$\pi_{\sigma_i\sigma_j}=1 \quad\text{if}\quad \sigma_i == \sigma_j\quad\text{else} -1$,则可定义如下目标函数:
\[K=\sum_{i,j}a_{\sigma_i\sigma_j}\pi_{\sigma_i\sigma_j}\]定义$x$处的环境质量,$n_{ij}(x)$是$x$处类型为$i$的商店邻域内的$j$类型商店的数量,A large index thus corresponds to an environment in which the “favorite” neighbors of i are over-represented.
对于个人,其效用函数$U(S,Z)$依赖于住房面积$S$和复合商品(composite commodity)$Z$,这里,
\[\Pi(y)=F(y)-R(y)-L(y)W(y)\]$\Pi(y),F(y),R(y),L(y)W(y)$分别表示区位$y$下的利润,区位$y$下的区位潜力(locational potential),区位$y$下的租金,工作在区位$y$的人数。经典的假设是$L(y)$是常数$L_0$,则人数$N$和公司$M$数有如下关系:$N=ML_0$,区位潜力在原始模型中被描述为:
\[F(y)=\int{K(y-y')b(y')dy'}\]其中$b(x)$是公司的密度,$K(x)$是核函数,如$K(y)=ke^{-\alpha\mid y\mid}$,假设所有公司也是相同的,则最优利润也在均衡状态下得到。接下来讨论如何得到均衡状态。
\[W(J(x))-t\mid x-J(x)\mid=\max_y(W(y)-t\mid x-\mid )\]关于Fujita-Ogawa model的拓展: