


  1. Spatial Networks: A Complete Introduction: From Graph Theory and Statistical Physics to Real-World Applications, 2022, Marc Barthelemy
  2. The Geography of Transport Systems (5th ed.), 2020, Jean-Paul Rodrigue
  3. Spatial networks [2011] Barthélemy M.
  4. Future directions in human mobility science [2023] Luca Pappalardo, Ed Manley, Laura Alessandretti et al.
  5. (general/physics)Network Science [2016] Albert-László Barabási,Márton Pósfai
  6. (computer/information science)Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World [2010] David EasleyJon Kleinberg
  7. (social science/economics)The Evolution of Social and Economic Networks [2002] Matthew O. Jackson



network = graph + real-work meaning, e.g. www, publication network

网络的重要度量指标:node,edge,degree,weight,centrality,cluster coefficient,modularity,motif(Network motifs are recurrent and statistically significant subgraphs or patterns of a larger graph.)

常见的三类网络: 3 type network

空间网络的度量指标:距离,绕路系数(detour index),角度与信息熵,度分布


1.路网——网络生长过程中的实证发现,Elementary processes governing the evolution of road networks. Emanuele Strano, Vincenzo Nicosia, Sergio Porta & Marc Barthélemy et al.


在巴黎,更关注路网角度的变化:Self-organization versus top-down planning in the evolution of a city [2013] Marc Barthelemy, Patricia Bordin, Maurizio Gribaudi et al.

2.航空网络,The worldwide air transportation network: Anomalous centrality, community structure, and cities’ global roles [2005] R. Guimerà, S. Mossa, L.A. N. Amaral et al.:航空网络同时有无标度和小世界的一些特性,对betweenness和degree的差异做了探讨


提取骨架,Extracting the multiscale backbone of complex weighted networks: Extracting the multiscale backbone of complex weighted networks [2009] M Ángeles Serrano, Marián Boguná, Alessandro Vespignani


e.g. Optimal design of spatial distribution networks. Michael T. Gastner and M. E. J. Newman



随机几何图:随机生成节点,节点间距离小于一定长度连边–>连边可以增加距离约束–>节点可以增加生成机制–>边也可以增加生成机制,e.g. Topological Phase Transitions in Spatial Networks [2018] Paul Balister, Chaoming Song, Albert-Laszlo Barabasi et al.;Hyperuniform organization in human settlements [2023] Lei Dong

空间网络的cost benefit分析:The universality in urban commuting across and within cities [2022] Lei DongPaolo SantiCarlo Ratti et al.

物理约束的网络模型:Isotopy and energy of physical networks [2020] Yanchen Liu, Nima Dehmamy, Albert-László Barabási
