- 复杂系统的奇遇——随椋鸟飞行,乔治·帕里奇,文铮译
- The Structure and Dynamics of Cities – Urban Data Anakysis and Theoretical Modeling
- Human mobility: Models and Applications, Physics Reports
- 人类行为时空特性的统计力学, 电子科技大学学报
- 大数据时代的空间交互分析方法和应用再论, 地理学报
1 动物的移动规律 v.s. 人的移动规律
Rhee l, Shin M, Hong S, Lee K,Kim SJ, Chong S. On the levy-walk nature of human mobility. lEEE Trans on Networking. 2011
Human walk patterns closely follow Levy walk patterns commonly observed in animalssuch as monkeys, birds and jackals.
Levy walks are more diffusive than Brownian motion while less diffusive than random way point.
The scale-free distribution of flight lengths leads to super-diffusion where mean squared displacement(MSD) is proportional to
- flight length
- pause time
- direction
- velocity
- Levy flight search patterns ofwandering albatrosses
- Optimizing the success of random searches:列维飞行是对随机分散分布对象搜索的一个最优方式
2 宏观层面空间交互及人类移动性
重力模型,Gravity Model
- 前身:The Laws of Migration, E.G.Ravenstein,发现了移民与国家人口规模、距离之间的关系,指出性别在移民中的影响,但未给出形式化的表达
- 雏形:The \(\frac{P_1P_2}{D}\) Hypothesis: on the intercity movement of persons, Zipf
- 进化:THE USE OF ENTROPY MAXIMISING MODELS in the Theory of Trip Distribution, Mode Split and Route Split, A.G.Wilson,指出当熵最大时,上述一般模型中的\(\alpha=\beta\)
- 深度重力模型:A Deep Gravity model for mobility flows generation,Filippo Simini,et al,视作流量分配问题,借鉴了重力模型的形式,输入:人口,距离,OSM(路网,土地利用,poi)
- 符号回归(Symbolic Regression):定义函数集合\(P\),\(R\)上的距离函数\(L\),函数复杂度的度量\(C\),数据集\((x_i, y_i)\),求函数\(f^*\)使得:
\[f^*\epsilon\argmin_{f\epsilon F}{\frac{1}{n}\sum^n_{i=1}}{L(y_i,f(x_i))}+\lambda C(f)\]
中介机会模型,Stouffer’s Law of intervening opportunities
Intervening opportunities: a theory relating mobility and distance, Sociological Review, Samuel Stouffer, 1940
辐射模型(Radiation Model):对重力模型的回应,本质上是中介机会模型,Simini F Gonzalez MC, Maritan A, Barabasi AL. A universal model for mobility and migration patterns. Nature. 2012.
- \(T_{ij}\):\(i\)和\(j\)之间的流量
- \(T_{i}\):从\(i\)流出的总流量
- \(m_i\):\(i\)的人口规模
- \(n_j\):\(j\)的人口规模
- \(s_{ij}\):以\(i\)和\(j\)距离为半径的圆内的人口总规模
改进:人口权重模型,Universal predictability of mobility patterns in cities [2014] YanX YY et al.
场论(Field Theory)
Field theory for recurrent mobility. Maxime Lenormand, Pere Colet & José J. Ramasco
- 流是一个矢量,但之前大多当作标量处理
- 在一个城市内的流矢量有可能满足高斯定理
- 都是唯象模型(Phenomenologial Model),微观机制不太清晰;
- 需要真实数据估计参数
- 准确度不错但实际应用中有局限,难以做“反事实模拟”
- 到目前为止还是重力模型使用最广泛
3 微观层面交互及人类移动性模型(人的尺度)
- The scaling laws of human travel.[2006] D. BrockmannL. HufnagelT. Geisel:移动人口和距离的幂律分布,\(P(r)\sim r^{-(1+\beta)}, \beta=0.59\pm0.02\),使用的数据是钱币的流动数据
- Modelling the scaling properties of human mobility [2010] Song CKoren TBarabási A L. et al.:使用300万用户一年的轨迹数据和1000个用户的GPS数据(每小时一个点,共两周),出行距离、等待时间符合幂律,EPR Model
- d-EPR Model:improves the EPR model by using collective information and the gravity model to drive themovements of a synthetic individual, ln particular, the model exploits information about the relevance ofocations on the space: when an individua exolores a new location. she is attracted to new places with aforce that depends on the relevance of such places at a collective level (preferential exploration).
- Pappalardo L. Rinzivillo S, Simini F. Human mobility modelling: exloration and preferential return meet the cravity modeProcedia Computer Science. 2016.
- Jiang S, Yang Y. Gupta S, Veneziano D. Athavale S, Gonzalez MC. The TimeGeo modeling framework for urban mobilitwithout travel surveys.PNAS. 2016.
- Wang J, Dong L, Cheng ,Yang W, Liu Y. An extended expioration and preferential return model for human mobilitysimulation at individual and collective levels.Physica A. 2019.
4 城市空间结构与交互
Fujita and Ogawa模型及其简化
Fujita and Ogawa模型,居住在\(i\)的人选择\(j\)地作为工作地是为了最大化以下\(Z_0\)进行决策:
\(C_R(i)\): 居住地\(i\)的租金
\(C_T(i,j)\): 通勤成本
Modeling the Polycentric Transition of Cities [2013] Rémi Louf,Marc Barthelemy.:对上述模型进行简化:
- 租金是常数
- 工资是随机的,\(W(j)=s\eta_j\)
- 通勤成本\(C_T(i,j)=td_{ij}(1+(\frac{T_{ij}}{c})^{\mu})\),\(T_{ij}\)是单位时间内\(i\)和\(j\)之间的交通流量,\(c\)是道路容量,\(\mu\)是定量刻画交通网络应对拥堵的韧性参数,\(d_{ij}\)是距离,\(t\)是单位长度的出行费用
- 交通量都集中在工作地
- 次中心的空间分布没有空间自相关:\(d_{ij}\sim d_{i1} \sim L\),\(L\)是城市的linear size
- 对于次中心,\(\eta_1-\eta_2\)需要最小化,通过验证可以得到\(\eta_1-\eta_2\simeq \frac{1}{N_c}\)
\[k\sim (\frac{P}{P^*})^{\frac{\mu}{\mu+1}}\]
对工资项进行与人口规模的挂钩,探讨最大中心半径:The universality in urban commuting across and within cities [2022] Lei Dong, Paolo Santi, Carlo Ratti et al.
Container model: bilibili作者讲解视频 :The scales of human mobility [2020] Laura Alessandretti, Ulf Aslak, Sune Lehmann
Visitiaton Laws
The universal visitation law of human mobility [2021] Markus Schläpfer, Lei Dong, Geoffrey B. West et al.
- rf-scaling law
\[\rho_i(r, f)=\frac{\mu_i}{(rf)^{\eta}}\]
- \(\rho_i(r, f)\)是访问密度,访问总人数/格网面积
- \(r\)是格网距离家的距离,\(f\)是访问频率
- \(mu_i\)是常数,反应格网\(i\)对基于家出行的吸引性
- Conserved effective travel distance per visitor: 家到网格\(i\)的距离\(d_i\)不依赖于吸引性\(\mu_i\)
- Spatial clusters with an area distribution that follows Zipf’s Law
Data and Code
Collective mobility models: Emergence of urban growth patterns from human mobility behavior [2021],对各类模型按照socially independent/interactive 和 memory less / memory-aware 进行分类讨论
- 微观交互建模目前还没有广泛接受的机制
- 多尺度模型统一目前没有好的方法
- 个体区位选择和城市结构的关系,Fujita Owaga模型本质上是在均衡状态下的,如何在非均衡状态下建模
- 如何纳入近期城市经济学在空间结构上的结构模型
- 均衡/非均衡系统
5 新的一些实证观测结果
- 流动模式显著而平稳地发展,个人在任何时候访问的熟悉地点的数量都是一个守恒量,典型的大小为~25:Evidence for a conserved quantity in human mobility [2018] Laura Alessandretti, Piotr Sapiezynski, Sune Lehmann & Andrea Baronchelli et al.
- Noether’s Theorem(诺特定理),守恒量与对称性
- 局部交互和全局交互的综合:Understanding the mesoscopic scaling patterns within cities [2020] Lei Dong, Zhou Huang, Yu Liu et al.
- 应用:e.g.疾病传播:The Hidden Geometry of Complex, Network-Driven Contagion Phenomena [2013] Dirk Brockmann, Dirk Helbing,交通流预测/通过交互估计地点的属性/Social Segregation的度量/可达性与空间优化