centrality(G, 'degree', 'Importance', G.Edges.Weight)
centrality(G, 'eigenvector', 'Importance', G.Edges.Weight)
centrality(G, 'closeness', 'Importance', G.Edges.Weight)
centrality(G, 'betweenness', 'Importance', G.Edges.Weight)
centralities will be positively correlated. When they are not, it tells you something interesting. ||high d|high e|high b|high c| |:—-:|:—-:|:—-:|:—-:|:—-:| |||||| |||||| |||||| |||||| ||||||
other measures:
random walk centrality improved centrality measures of weighted networks
social theories defining relational ties: homophily: introduced into social theory by Lazrsfeld and Merton(1978).
two causes of homophily: (1) norm attribute; (2)structural location
summary of homophily(Kadushin, 2012):相同属性的人的聚集->相互影响,在此过程中变得相似->end up in the same social position or placd->the very place influence them to become alike once they are in the same place.
four possible dyadic relationship: (0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1)
Girvan-Newman algorithm for community detection
different network structure:
small-world: dense connections among close neighbors and few among distant neighbors, e.g. multi-city highway network
measures of segregation
edge embeddedness
2 basic type:
typology of mesoscale structure:可以用邻接矩阵表示社群之间的联系
based on the typology, we have different mesoscale analysis:
why finding cohesive subgroups?
properties leading to cohesive subgroups
null model
\[Q=\frac{1}{2m}\sum_{ij}{(A_{ij}-P_{ij})\delta(C_i, C_j)}\]